News release

Author Tony Garcia meets RI President

Sumatra, Bali & Singapore - September 19 - During a recent book promotion tour which included stops in Singapore, Bali and Sumatra surf, travel adventure author Tony Garcia met with the Republic of Indonesia President Susilo Bambang Yodohoro.

The meeting took place at Tabbing Airport just outside the city of Padang Sumatra. The president was touring the region in an effort to stimulate the economy and bring peace to the tsunami devastated Aceh province which had recently called an end to its 30 year struggle for independence.

While in Bali the SoldierBoy publications donated the sales of its books MUM a Balinese charity which supports local kids with money for schooling and nutrition.

The surf travel adventure books are exclusively on sale at Surfer Girl the Kuta beach surf shop which bills itself as "One of the best all girl surf shops in the world." All the proceeds will go to the MUM charity.

On the east coast of Bali in the region of Karangasem, there are villages that because of economic circumstances find it difficult to afford necessities for their children for schooling and nutrition. The average yearly wage in Indonesia is approximately $600 and because of the economic impact of the Bali Bombings many people have found it hard to make ends meet.

MUM is an unified charitable organization dedicated to  helping villagers support the needs of their children for education and new opportunities. For approximately $70 dollars or 60 Euros a year a local child is aided with their school fees, uniforms, materials and healthy food for a year.

While in Bali aside some classic Uluwatu surf author Tony Garcia presented copies of the books to Tim (Made Suryawan) editor of Magic Wave the Balinese surf community newspaper. In addition books were presented in Singapore to Internet entrepreneur Sandor Bakalis.

Recently SoldierBoy publications announced that Tracks of the Tiger would be released as a 2 CD audio book and MP3 download for iPods in the winter of 2005. 

Since its release Tracks of the Tiger: G-land & Bali, Indonesia  has gotten enthusiastic reviews and a good deal of buzz from the international surfing community from America's East/West coasts including Hawaii, Indonesia, South Africa, all over Europe's shores from the U.K., Netherlands, France, Spain, Portugal, including Sweden and Italy not to mention New Zealand and Australia.

What are the critics saying? - "The book's action is non-stop - There will be no more boredom for surfers after a long day at the beach or for those that are stuck far away from the surf, sun and sand. The author brings alive the surf lifestyle with this the first of three surf thrillers. Author Tony Garcia makes good the promise - The next best thing to being there!"

The surf travel adventure books Tracks of Tiger: G-land & Bali, Indonesia, Ollie's Point: Witches Rock & Tamarindo, Costa Rica and Sword of the Prophet:  Anchor Point & Taghazoute, Morocco are selling fast world-wide and can be ordered online at or In addition sample chapters of each book are also available to read on the website.

This series of surf adventure books features the premier surf spots on the planet from Indonesia to Costa Rica and now Morocco. The earlier released Tracks of the Tiger was followed by Ollie's Point and by the latest release of Sword of the Prophet.  

SoldierBoy the publisher of these surfing adventure books is based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands and Santa Monica, California and publishes in Europe and America simultaneously. SoldierBoy publishing will always try to live up it promise to make reading its surf books - The next best thing to being there!

For more information about the books:
For more information about MUM contact:
For a look at Magic Wave's latest issue online:



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